Category: Software Testing
Integration Testing is a four step procedure. Below are the steps for creating integration test cases: 1. Identify Unit Interfaces: The developer of each program unit identifies and documents the unit’s interfaces for the...
In most of the cases interviewer ask to write test cases. Today I am helping myself in writing test cases for elevator (lift).But before start writing test case I would like to cast our...
This is impossible to make bug free product. Even people who used to say themselves expert in certain technology, They also make blunders and make errors in code. These errors come due to some...
Each day comes as a learning and that inspires to spread the information.For this post I will say thanks to Dr. Deepak Kaushik,One of the leading professional in the field of testing and Quality...
Most of the time we face this question in our testing interview and most of the people find it difficult to find the difference between these term even after living in the industry since...
Test Cases For Login Page:Have you appeared for the Software testing interview, or have gone through the testing of banking or social networking site? If yes then hopefully you would be familiar with this...
Gartner report says, Cloud computing is most hyped word in Technology world in 2012, since starting from small to big company, everyone wants to be mobile and accessible everywhere and Cloud Computing seems like...
This is a fantastic blog from which people can learn a lot. It is very informative and is explained in…
Thanks for sharing such knowledgeable Content on Automation testing, to know how to enhance the performance of ERP's like Oracle…
Thanks.. this list is much needed.
This one is also good to use. Thanks for sharing this.. Might be we can also add it in list…
How about youtube-dl?