Category: Fitnesse

Using Remote Fitnesse

Using Remote Fitnesse

Prerequisites 1. The fitnesse server should be started on the remote machine where user would like to execute the fixtures. 2. While testing a web application, application needs to be deployed at the end...

FitLibrary Fixtures

FitLibrary Fixtures

FitLibrary started as a third-party set of fixtures, but it was so useful that it is now considered as a part of the standard test types. FitLibrary provides general-purpose library fixtures for Fit and...

Basic Fit Fixtures

Basic Fit Fixtures

Today we will discuss the  types of Basic FIT Fixtures and their table format.But before that please go through these links for better understanding. Fitnesse – Introduction Fitnesse Installation/ Environment Setup Sample project for Fitnesse Understand Fixtures and...

Fitnesse Installation/ Environment Setup

Fitnesse Installation/ Environment Setup

Pre-requisites Environment Setup is required to test the application which includes the fitnesse server, Fitnesse plugin for eclipse, environment variables for classpath containing the required libraries for fitnesse etc. For more, refer next section. Create a sample...

Fitnesse – Introduction

Fitnesse – Introduction

Fitnesse automated acceptance tests are powerful tool for enhancing a requirement process. Skillfully applied, such tests make it possible to avoid the problems of Project Death By Requirements. Fitnesse tests can give us feature...