Category: Java Tutorial

default modifier

Access Modifier in Java with Example

Good code is its own best documentation. As you’re about to add a comment, ask yourself, “How can I improve the code so that this comment isn’t needed?” Improve the code and then document...

Exploring String class in Java

Exploring String class in Java

In Java, String class is a sub-class of java.lang and there are available to all programs automatically. Java implements String as objects of String unlike other programming language which implements it as character arrays....

Argument passing in JAVA

Argument passing in JAVA

Argument passing in java is one of the most important topic to cover, Here I am going to elaborate that what happens when different types (primitive or objects) are passed into a method in...

Reading e-mail using Javamail api

Reading e-mail using Javamail api

In this post we are going to see how to read e-mail using Javamail api. Like in a complete and robust automation test framework, it is very important if the automation script is smart...